I've decided to join some new sites, a site I was on before had ads which paid between 0.00001$ and 0.01$ (yes you've read that right) so I never bothered with it until I realised that there were 2-3 0.01$ ads everyday and that you could request payout at any time and they'd send the money to you via paypal, also the ads were really easy to click through because once the count down was up it gave the link to the next ad, so you didn't need to keep going back to the ad list. So I started using the site but sadly it closed down 2 weeks later, but in that time I'd managed to make over $2 with no downline! So I've been looking for a similar site, so far without luck. I've joined:
we'll see how it goes with these! One good thing about all these is the link exchange, which basically allows you to advertise your site.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
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Monday, 14 September 2009
Finally back into it
Ok I've decided to clean up my act. I've reduced the ptc sites I use and picked out the ones that are actually getting somewhere. Bux3, Buxto and hits4pay. I also wanted to stay with clicksense but since they decided to set my earnings to zero because I hadn't used the site for 3 months it wasn't worth it. so now I just spend half an hour per day, instead of too long which is why I got fed up the first time.
Just remember this is like a pyramid scheme in that those who get in first will earn more because they have more referrals, but because ptc sites are free even if you are at the bottom of the pyramid you won't lose anything. Even at the bottom if you click 30 ads a day = 30x 1c =30cents a day = 30*365 = 109$/year for doing nothing. Which bank pays that much interest?
Remember when clicking on the ads, if it sounds too true to be true it IS (not probably is as most people say!!) and if there is a 1$ trail remember to read the small print, if it says you need to contact them to cancel, try to contact them first to make sure you can speak to someone.
If you plan on investing anything into ptc, ie buying referrals, only invest what you can really avoid to. same as if you were buying shares. lots of ptc's have gone down and people have lost money. The ptc's I'm sticking with have been around for a long time so are less likly to go down but I still would only reinvest what I got from them.
Finally remember to use the referral link in your signature. most people write on facebook etc everyday. so make it worth your time but don't just post the link- that's called spamming
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Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Still earning
Well it's been a while since I last posted here I'm still using ptc sites though and earning money for nothing, some have died, as expected but the older ones tend to be the most resilient. just seen HSBC is listed on some incentive sites, namely Kudos... so If you are thinking of opening a new account check it out. Well as usually if you are planning on spending any money check for incentives... Bit disappointing Amazon is no longer on ipoints. I've got tons of points through them, but still they have other sites i buy from so always worth checking. Ok thats it for now. Byeee
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