To celebrate my latest payout I'm giving one lucky reader the chance to win a £10 high street voucher (UK only). One entry per person and that's it (multiple entries will be disqualified)
just send an email to with "voucher competition" as the subject
include your name and address so I can post it to you!
closing date: 6th September 2008
Good luck!
Monday, 4 August 2008
New Competition!!!
Posted by
Monday, 9 June 2008
where have I been
A few personal issues have kept me busy so i haven't been updateing as much as I should. A few PTC sites have undergone radical changes which as led to some to crash and burn. I've been so busy I was thinking of dropping all of them except Hits4Pay (I'm already on over $10 again, after my $25 pay out i told you about. but I've got back into it again. and did all my clicks this morning in no time. So I'll be updating again soon with more specific details.
Posted by
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Finally paid!
I've just been paid by hits4pay, into my paypal account! What a nice surprise after so many months of clicking (about 5 months actually) and to say it didn't cost me anything or use up any of my time. I just click while watching tv or surfing other sites.
Just waiting for to pay me now. I looked at their TOS again, it says 60 working days! so not inclucing weekends. Thats a long wait, and I'm nearly on my next payout.
Pornobux went down for a while but is back now, so obviously they are commited or else they would have just scarpered.
Sorry the pics not clear. Click on it to see it all-you can frame it if you like!, but I got £12.42 in the end (hits4pay take a small fee but I'm not complaining since they are basically giving me money for nothing!)
Posted by
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
world bux
Since some of the ptc's I used went down I've been looking at others to join, worldbux seems very promising, it's owed by the people at bux3 which has a good reputation.
I've finally been paid out by hits4pay! $25, my first major payout. still waiting on, their 60 days is nearly up to, I requested payout on the 14th february.
Posted by
Sunday, 9 March 2008
more ptc's gone!
now clix4coins has gone down too, maybe it's just tempory, they changed to a credit system which people didn't like and it looks like google adsense didn't approve either! has also gone down. the Admin says it's because of a threat of legal action from! this may be true but all he needs to do is chgange the name, it seems he's not making much of an effort.
Also i'm not happy with pornobux, they've reduced the value of ads to just 1cent, instead of 3cents, and now have mostly ads for other ptc sites. Once I get my first payout from them I won't bother with the site.
Posted by
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Myster-emails is shutting down. They are finishing off the ads they still have then thats it. I suppose most people didn't believe it was worth their time because of the 0.015 cents (yes cents not $) ads, but they didn't realise that there was also 2-3 1cent ads a day, so it would have been possible to make as much as on advercash/bux.
Clix4coins is being called a scam because they have changed the system. I will wait and see then tell you if it is a scam. Basically they are giving credits for the ad clicks, credits have a value based on advert revenue, so basically the more money the site makes from ad clicks the more they will give us! But since they can't ask people to click on their ads it's to hope the users will be bright enough to figure it out for them selves!
Posted by
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
well getting a free PS3 is taking too long, people just don't want to risk it, or maybe they think £5 is too much for a ps3... i don't know. I'll carry on slowly getting referrals and might eventually get a free ps3 withing 9-12 months, until then I decided to buy one, from amazon with 3 games and a HDMI lead it came to a grand total of £374.76 including postage, thats the 40gb version, can't find the 60gb anywhere now and the 80gb has no official release date for europe, in fact it might never get here. The games I got are Ratchet and clank, drakes fortune and of course Call of Duty 4! I went through ipoints and got about £15 of points on there too, so all in all I've not done too badly. If you want to join ipoints and don't have a referrer, send me you email address and I will send you an invite (
Posted by
Labels: cash back, free money, incentives, ipoints, ps3
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
I got paid
I was just checking my paypal account and saw I'd recieved $0.06! what a surprise, it was from a site called myster-e-mail which I had joind, used for just one day and decided it was not going to be worth it. Well I thought again after that, 6c isn't bad for one day on any site, the thing is they have unlimited ads and as you click the value goes down, so you end up getting $0.0001 per ad. But they do have 1 cents ads and emails and i got a 2 cents email today. So give it a try
I also found a site called pornobux, It's not for everyone because it has adult hads, porn and sex basically. but if that doesn't bother you each ad pays 3cents and they have 4 or 5 a day.
so myster e-mails still uses paypal! so does bux3 and! so if you only want to use paypal you can still ptc!
I've also joined ibux, a canadian site, they have a few ads but nothing like!
Posted by
Monday, 4 February 2008
well i'm finally starting to get some decent earnings from advert, I've got $5.76 on google adsense now and $0.89 on adbrite, so I know which is my favorite, although you need $100 before adsense pay out! so i've got a while to go yet :(.
I now have $1.70 with adverbux, they have some offers and action ads that are really easy to get credit for. a couple are for downloading a toolbar for IE, but you aren't forced to keep it. Also I've discovered their paid arcade, they have lots of really good games and you get paid to use them, i even got second place on the scoreboard for one game and got 50c bonus! even if you don't want to join a ptc site you should check out adverbux just for the games.
Advercash always has a decent amont of ads and i have $0.97 so far, but with no referrals, they also have some offers which are easy to complete, there is one which pays $5 and is free to do, I'm just waiting for it to be aprroved now. is a site some people complain about, but i'm nearly at payout so I'll let you know if they don't pay me! I have $8.25 and only 1 active referral. if i had more referrals I'd get to minimum payout faster!
i have $5.49 on clix4coins. they don't have many ads but each pays 2cents a time or sometimes 3! Clixmania has only got me $0.5950 so far, but i have no active referrals.
Clixsense doesn't have that many ads, but sinse I have quite a few referrals I am getting towards the payout. i have $6.44 now. hits4pay seems to have less ads now but i still get 1-3 a day and have a few referral clicks, I'm up to $20.80 ! paidvg have started a draw to win premium membership and referrals, during the paypal crisis i bought a ticket for $1 since i wasn't sure i'd get paid anyway, so i'm at $1.06 now otherwise it'd be $2.06. they still haven't draw the winner for january. finally on titanclicks i'm on $0.715. so you can see which sites are the quickest earners. I am earning more each day but I don't want to spend any money on these sites. A few of these sites let you buy referrals (with no garantee they will be active!) so if you have the money you could buy referrals and make money alot faster. I'm waiting to get a pay out, then I'll maybe put 50% back into the sites.
Posted by
Thursday, 31 January 2008
alot of ptc sites have moved to alertpay now. So I have tried to find out more about it. Their are sites out there which say it is a scam and they will steal your money, but no more than for Paypal. whats more is you can ask for your funds by cheque, so you don't even need to give them any bank details. They have a true business address and are a registered company with verisign and BBB etc...
Check this ou about paypal
and about alertpay
Posted by
Saturday, 26 January 2008
thanks paypal
as some of you may be aware paypal has been causing problems for ptc sites. they froze all the ptc sites accounts a few days back and checked their accounts. This has caused alot of ptc sites to go down, but the ones still going are going to benefit in the long run. the sites that seem unscaved by the paypal crisis are clixsense obviously since they never did use paypal and send out cheques, hits4pay, clix4coins and although might have been affected and just not saying anything. adverbux and advercash are changing payment processes. clixmania says it's waiting for paypals response and don't have any ads at the moment this is the same for paidvg. paidbux is down completly, i hope it wasn't a scam because it seemed a good site. titanclicks seem to be planning their own version of paypal especially for ptc sites and several of the other sites are interested by this. there are several other payment options being considered including alertpay and moneybookers although as you would expect people are reluctant to give their bank details to yet more companies (paypal, google checkout). alertpay don't ask for them initially but if you want to transfer funds to your bank account then you'll have to. I don't really know how secure these sites are and if then can be trusted but paypal also has a habit of stealing money from people who don't follow their tos. Some have said thet the ptc sites who lose money from paypal freezing thier accounts should sue them, but as far as i can see this is theft so they should go to the police. so the sites still ok to join are:clixsense hits4pay advercash titanclicks clix4coins and adverbux
Posted by
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
I came across this site today, and have $0.22 already, thats $1.54 a week if it keeps up and they have a cashout of just $1, it's a uk based company and pay via paypal, so in £ or whatever you like. they are honest too. you can buy referrals like on alot of ptc sites but they tell you how many referral packs they have (at the moment it is zero because they are quite new) This site went down with no explaination! I had requested a pay out of $1 but don't expect to ever get it!
to join up click here
Posted by
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
more earnings
This is going to go in a box on the side when I get round to it but til then here are my earnings:
adverbux $0.3275
advercash $0.3900
bux $4.50
clix4coins $3.70
hits4pay $18.59
paidvg $1.13
titan clicks $0.28
Clixmania $0.2510
Yuwie $0.06 (in two months, but a 500% rise in earnings, if this continues next month I'll get $0.25 then $1.25 in march)
Total = $35.0685
Some may say it it worth it, well I tend to think of it as interest. It may not be alot but which bank gives you so much interest in less than 3 months? unless that is you have loads of money in your account. I mean it's not really work, clicking ads, it takes no time and it's actually quite theraputic.
It's as worth it as spending hours on facebook, whats more you can do your ad clicking while you're on facebook
Posted by
Sunday, 6 January 2008
I've found out about some more ptc sites that I'm testing. I've put the links to them on the side bar. so now I use all these sites: clixsense hits4pay advercash titanclicks clix4coins adverbux & .I've stopped using digital-ptr until they pay me which i doubt they ever will. well it's no big loss as i didn't give them any money.
Posted by
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Just earnings!
Google adsense showed earning of $0.34 FOR JUST ONE DAY, after a bit of digging i found out it is because I had ONE ad click! so thank you whoever clicked an ad, I know it is a real effort but think of all the good it will do!
so thanks to that Adsense has earned me $0.36 now!
Adbrite has earned me $0.25
Bux $2.45
Clixsense $4.48
hits4pay $17.24
Digitalptr, well all i will say is I have got past the paying out limit, and I'll let you know if I actually get anything! I also have earnings from yuwie, but only 1cent!
total= $23.78
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