Clixsense: $0.44 my money seems to have gone down! strange... really not sure if this site is gonna be worth while, very few new ads go on it and these seem to be from other users. THe upgrade is obviously a scam to get £10 because the number of premium ads never changes. It doesn't take much time to go on the site so I may keep checking it.
Hits4pay: $13.26 slowly getting a reasonable sum each day (for doing nothing i got 15 cents today!) well i did say it's not a get rich quick scheme!
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
quick update
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Wednesday, 21 November 2007
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Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Welcome to my blog!
Working only part time I do end up trawling the internet for hours, and being someone who takes care of my finances I do look for the best deals on the internet when I want to buy things. I've come across a large number of incentive site, these sites either pay you for using their service or even better give you freebies for buying something. I started off just getting free sweets from a website, but that involved signing up to lots of mailing lists filling my inbox with junk. That type of system doesn't have to be bad though, I mean we all know how to filter junk mail!
But you can actually get very good freebies for something you want to buy anyway... I've just switched broadband provider and used an incentive site to sign up for BTbroadband... and got a xbox360 for doing so.
I've also started using sites that pay you to view ads, so far I'm on Hits4pay and Clixsense, but there are others. Before signing up to anything I always look for reviews about the sites, and these two have mostly good things said about them. But My Golden rule is to never pay anything to join these sites! I'm not a risk taker especially when it comes to cash!
Viewing ads may seem a drag but infact thanks to tabbed browsing in is easy and fast. I just open up the ad I'm required to view in a new tab then leave it in the back ground while I carry on doing other things
Anyway each week I will post how much I've made and roughthly how much of my precious time its taken
So far I've not made much effort in getting some of my incentives but I'll list them here anyway:
Freebies, these site often require you to take out an offer, theres usually lots of choice, I'm trying to compile a list to show what offers link to what freebies. then refer some more people.
when you refer someone it counts as a red, when that person completes an offer it goes green. depending on the free item you need more or less greens.
Playstation three (10 greens needed): 9 reds , 2 greens offers: betting! american express travel insurance, AOL, fasthost, greenflag and pruhealth
HDTV 32" I haven't even started trying to complete this offer! offers: love film dvd rental, betting!, credit cards (post office and GM), AOL and british gas
iPod Video 30Gb: same but I'll give a quick run down of the offers... betting sites(you always get these, and i wouldn't want anyone to start betting just to get a freebie but for those who do bet online and know what they are doing it's good to know you can get all these freebies for signing up!), dvd rental, Direct line and AA car insurance, Sky tv and broadband.
For the Xbox 360 the offers are: Betting sites! AOL and BT broadband, 1&1, American express, and carphoneware house (take out any contract!)
Money sites:
Clixsense: $0.48 (i've been on 3 days, about 3 minutes at the most active use!)
Hits4pay: $12.84 (thats in 2 months, but they send an email when there is an ad to view and it takes literally seconds, and that means some days i don't even go on the site so i'd estimate about 30 minutes tops active time)
Post about how much you've made using the internet, and any incentive sites you use.
I hope you find this info useful and I will be updating weekly, note some sites are my own referral links, if you join up through me you will be helping me, so thanks in advance, on the sites where i only need so many referrals to get my freebie, I will be able to change the referral once I get my 'greens'. If you ask nicely I could put your referral link here instead!
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Labels: betting, Free, incentives, money